It’s always interesting to me how much emphasis some people put on the stories in Genesis. Now please understand, there are great lessons there. I’m not minimizing Genesis in this post, I’m trying to elevate what I see is an arc in the Christian story. It’s an arc that in many places – especially when… Continue reading The Bible Directly Supports Full Transgender Inclusion
Category: Uncategorized
What An Atheist Friend Taught Me About Church
I recently wrote some simple thoughts about Christian universalism and mentioned that a question I get a lot when I share my universalist beliefs is, “then why even be a Christian?” That always strikes me as strange and transactional, but the fact that I get this question from both believers and secularists makes me think… Continue reading What An Atheist Friend Taught Me About Church
Beyond Judgement
I’m often surprised how many protests I get from my atheist friends about Christianity that I can effectively deactivate by just saying, “I’m a universalist so I don’t think that.” I write, “deactivate,” instead of, “answer,” because I don’t think many theological questions can be definitively answered with pithy responses. It takes a lifetime of… Continue reading Beyond Judgement
Original Sin
Recently, The Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines, Senior Minister of University Christian Church in San Diego, posted a sermon snippet on original sin. If you’re not yet following Caleb and you like pastors who are dynamic, persuasive and progressive, then you should start following him on the socials. He made an interesting point that I… Continue reading Original Sin
Deuteronomy Should Not Tell You How to Dress
A clobber verse that gets carelessly tossed around a lot by conservatives who fear LGBTQ+ people is this: Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s apparel, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for whoever does such things is abhorrent to the Lord your God.” But I say, why stop at this verse… Continue reading Deuteronomy Should Not Tell You How to Dress
Make Them Run You to the Cliffs
I was grumpy in Bible study this week. I didn’t know why. Something was nagging at me about the lectionary gospel reading (I’m quoting a bit longer here than the lectionary text because I think the whole story is important): Luke 4:16-30 When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went… Continue reading Make Them Run You to the Cliffs
Does Mike Johnson Read the Bible?
I just wrote about similar topics three months ago so it kind of pains me to do it again so soon. But that dullard Mike Johnson has made yet another attack against the Bible, against Christian faith and against our trans sisters and brothers. While making a victory lap after passing a bill banning transgender… Continue reading Does Mike Johnson Read the Bible?
Support for Universalism in Scripture, Logic and Love
I describe myself as a universalist. What do I mean by that? First, I don’t mean Unitarian Universalist, although I tried that once and hold them all in high regard. I’m a Jesus freak schooled in primarily UCC theology, a mystic at heart and I currently attend a very loving Lutheran church. I happen to… Continue reading Support for Universalism in Scripture, Logic and Love
Responding with Love and Compassion
As we enter a new year, I don’t think I’m alone as I obsessively scrutinize the widening gulf between the views of the right wing in the U.S. and the teachings of Jesus. On the one hand, I’m pretty sure it will provide a lot of blog fodder for me this year and beyond. On… Continue reading Responding with Love and Compassion
Literalism is Disrespect
“Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?” These words by Janis Joplin in her 1970 song are a terrific critique of materialism, culture and the white protestant focus on privilege and prosperity. It’s ironic, it’s tongue-in-cheek and it does a better job at calling out hypocrisy than many sermons. So when Mercedes-Benz licensed the… Continue reading Literalism is Disrespect