Note: I write my posts about a month prior to publishing. I point this out because this post could be seen as a response to the terrible news of the assassination attempt on Former President Donald Trump. It is not. While I condemn any violence at all, the news really changes nothing about my thoughts… Continue reading Your Christian Voting Guide
Category: Uncategorized
A Faintly Glimmering Radio Station
I play MusicLeague with members of my family and their friends. The Cake song, “Frank Sinatra,” made one of the playlists. It hit me hard — Cake wrote a song about how quaint Frank Sinatra records were for them and now almost 30 years later, Cake is quaint to GenZ. The chronological distance that my… Continue reading A Faintly Glimmering Radio Station
Some Thoughts on The Ten Commandments
Christian nationalism is abhorrent in any form it takes. One recent form is Louisiana legislation that mandates posting the Ten Commandments on the walls of every classroom in the state. Setting aside the obvious constitutional issues – should Satanists post their commandments on every classroom wall as well? – this blending of church and state… Continue reading Some Thoughts on The Ten Commandments
More Than Words
I received a question from a reader on the post Your Church is Not Biblical: “how do you follow the Christian faith when you are so critical of the Bible?” First, I’m not (that) critical of the Bible, at least not in the way I think this question intends. Anyone who is serious about Christianity… Continue reading More Than Words
And Now, My Frustration with N.T. Wright
Last week I posted how N. T. Wright influenced my views of the resurrection. I was already convinced of the living Christ based on personal experience, but I found his resurrection arguments a convincing enough explanation of the peculiarities of early Christianity. Unfortunately, Wright holds some very conservative views on same-sex relationships that I disagree… Continue reading And Now, My Frustration with N.T. Wright
Resurrection Arguments Courtesy of N.T. Wright
I very recently wrote about N.T. Wright, “I won’t quote him at length here because while some of his work has been literally life changing to me, I am utterly frustrated by Wright’s intractability around LGTBQ+ dignity and so I’ve generally stopped recommending him outside of some limited cases.” A friend of mine said to… Continue reading Resurrection Arguments Courtesy of N.T. Wright
Why I Don’t Often Read the New International Version (NIV)
The NIV isn’t the worst translation you could read. It has accessible, modern language. It tries to eliminate at least some gendered language in places where gendered language has changed with the culture, makes no sense or becomes a stumbling block while reading. Myself, I almost always use the NRSV day-to-day, so I have my… Continue reading Why I Don’t Often Read the New International Version (NIV)
“Thou,” Your Enemy
I used to be attracted to process theology, I think because it was the first philosophy that opened my eyes to an alternate theology beyond the basic American fundamentalism you so commonly read about in the socials. I also appreciated its attempts to address theodicy or the problem of suffering and evil. There certainly must… Continue reading “Thou,” Your Enemy
Surprise: Welcoming Statements Make People Feel Welcome
This won’t be a long, theologically opinionated and rambling post like most of my screeds. I just wanted to share some recent research that shows that welcoming statements and welcoming symbols on church websites make people feel more welcome. Isn’t that amazing? Naturally, LGBTQ+ people feel more welcome and affirmed in churches that are welcoming… Continue reading Surprise: Welcoming Statements Make People Feel Welcome
Talking to Other Christians About LGBTQ+ Inclusion
I’ve been a progressive Christian for as long as I’ve been an adult Christian. So, it is surprising to me how many other Christians struggle with LGBTQ+ inclusion. I’m in my own bubble. There are a lot of my beliefs that I understand other Christians might find heretical, such as my ideas on universal salvation,… Continue reading Talking to Other Christians About LGBTQ+ Inclusion