For God So Loves All

A dear friend once shared that whenever she sees someone carrying a sign that says, “John 3:16,” she assumes it implies bigotry and exclusion. I was surprised because in my privileged white, straight, CIS-gendered bubble, I’ve only ever thought of this verse as being about God’s love. In case you’re unfamiliar with arguably the most… Continue reading For God So Loves All

Important Election Reminder: God’s Got This

Who needs this reminder? Probably everybody. Almost everyone I know is walking around nervous, fearful, wringing their hands, checking the polls every five minutes, and just generally concerned about the upcoming election. My personal opinion is that one side of the country actually represents an existential threat to democracy. If you read my blog, it… Continue reading Important Election Reminder: God’s Got This

Connecting the Dots

Proverbs 19:21 The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established.” Sometimes I look at the options in my life and they seem like a dot-to-dot puzzle with no numbers to guide me. Just an endless sea of dots, a swarm of options and no… Continue reading Connecting the Dots

Progressive Christianity

Progressive Christianity. Some people I’ve met would consider that an oxymoron. If you listen to the news and many political candidates, it would seem that there is only one right way to be a Christian in America and it requires conservative ideals and biblical inerrancy. If you start from the point of view that the… Continue reading Progressive Christianity