On A Recent Reminder of Bonhoeffer’s Costly Grace

Because I draft my blogs about a month before I publish—an author’s convention aimed somewhat unsuccessfully at preventing embarrassment and regret from hastily penned screeds—I am writing this mere days after a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that I am very progressive. It won’t… Continue reading On A Recent Reminder of Bonhoeffer’s Costly Grace

More Than Words

I received a question from a reader on the post Your Church is Not Biblical: “how do you follow the Christian faith when you are so critical of the Bible?” First, I’m not (that) critical of the Bible, at least not in the way I think this question intends. Anyone who is serious about Christianity… Continue reading More Than Words

And Now, My Frustration with N.T. Wright

Last week I posted how N. T. Wright influenced my views of the resurrection. I was already convinced of the living Christ based on personal experience, but I found his resurrection arguments a convincing enough explanation of the peculiarities of early Christianity. Unfortunately, Wright holds some very conservative views on same-sex relationships that I disagree… Continue reading And Now, My Frustration with N.T. Wright