Worthy Discoveries and Hidden Gems: 241115

“…I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” In Colorado, several advocacy groups work to protect and support immigrants, especially during challenging political climates. Here are some notable organizations you might consider.

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountain

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC):

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

Annunciation House

John Pavlovitz: Trump Voters, You Owe Our Children an Apology

“For unleashing the fierce tide of bullying, racism, bigotry, and homophobia they have to see in their classrooms and neighborhoods and social media feeds—because the man you chose for the third time, has repeatedly encouraged and modeled and legislated it.”

Dan McClellan: Did God choose an adulterous man to rule his nation?

Dan’s awesome takedown of the weird attempts to equate Trump with King David that have been floating around the interwebs.

Dan McClellan: On the intersection of some of my research & politics

Because Dan is on fire. Great lesson for everyone: be better, do better, think critically and Google competently.

Kenneth Patchen: The Snow Is Deep on the Ground

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